A few days ago Kevin Lam from Rank Above Others contacted me to tell me about his latest WordPress plugin: Splash Plugin. I gave it a try soon after and decided to write a review. In short, Splash Plugin is a WordPress plugin that allows you to quickly and easily create splash tabs on either sides of your WordPress site
Author: Colin Klinkert |
Farrah Gray is a young motivational speaker who wrote a book in 2004 called: Reallionaire He was 19 back then and has since written a new book: Get Real, Get Rich ‘So What?’ You ask… So what is that I am busy reading them, (one at a time of course) starting with ‘Reallionaire’ and it makes the basis for todays
Author: Colin Klinkert |
So my new purchase arrived today. I buy most of the ‘big ticket’ courses that are made, I go through some of them, but many sit and collect dust. Some courses I did go through and found great success with are 7FigureCode and also ButterflyMarketingManuscript (Can get it free now, click to find out more) so it is time for
Author: Colin Klinkert |