What Do You Know About Affiliate Marketing As you already know, Internet marketing uses the Internet to market products as well as their promotion. You can be using this method to promote your own products or the products of others. This is where we get into the affiliate programs and how they can benefit you financially by earning commission on
Author: Colin Klinkert |
No I’m not quitting 🙂 Having said that, I am sick of people new to the industry feeling they need to spam their affiliate links all over the web. 99.99% of the time with no result other then to make yourself look like a tosser! Comments are moderated these days so it’s a waste of time making spam posts, they
Author: Colin Klinkert |
Pay Per Click Advertising Does Have Some Disadvantages… As I have written in an earlier post, PPC is considered to be of the best and most affordable forms of advertising on the search engines. You can use Pay Per Click advertising to bring in targeted traffic and generate leads and sales in your particular niche. You will use this type
Author: Colin Klinkert |
BIG Call there but…. It’s true. You hear all the time, ‘the money is in the list’ and more recently Frank Kern stated in one of his Mass Control Videos, ‘The Money Is In The Relationship With Your List’. I subscribe to Mr. Kern’s thought process but in order to have a good relationship with your list, you first need
Author: Colin Klinkert |