Going Offline: Should You?

The internet marketing world, like anything else, is subject to trends and crazes. One of the biggest trends of these last few years is offline marketing. Technically, marketing is offline marketing, but what we’re really talking about is taking the skills that you’ve learned in the internet marketing world and applying them to offline business.

Offline Marketing

You could set up an autoresponder at your local pizza shop, or create a website for your mechanic, or even get your hairdresser’s already website to move up the SERPs. Most of this can be outsourced, so all you’re doing is serving as a middleman… and it can be extremely lucrative! There’s indeed a lot of money to be made offline!

Needless to say, this has gotten lots of people interested in giving it a try. Not of all them should be doing it though. Actually, maybe most of them shouldn’t… but how do you know if this is something you should be doing or not? Is offline marketing really for you, or should you stick to online marketing? Let’s find out…

Well, for one thing, you should have the skills. If you’ve never made any money online, or if you’re wondering what the heck autoresponders and SERPs are, then this is not an area that you should be moving into. You can outsource much of the work, but you need to know what work there is to be outsourced. (SERPs = Search Engine Results Pages)

The other quality you need is the ability to sell, and not minding talking to people. One of the advantages of internet marketing is that most of your work doesn’t require you to communicate directly with a lot of people. When internet marketing you don’t need to call people, you may simply email them or even chat with them on Skype or GTalk.

Going offline, on the other hand, is going to require you to actually cold call people and talk to them, and that may be an obstacle. Likewise, it requires the ability to sell, which is not a skill that everyone possesses. If you don’t have it, you might consider looking elsewhere for business opportunities.

Have you made the move? Have you gone offline already? If you have, please share your experience with us! For more information on this topic, and to claim your free local internet marketing ebook, read this blog post: Local Internet Marketing (You will have to leave a comment to receive the ebook by email, FREE!)

Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing – Download Your FREE Report!

Earlier this year I went to San Diego, CA for a conference where I met Robert Stanley, founder of Internet Street Fighter. Yesterday Robert released a great, free report called Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing. This report was a real eye opener for me. I do all my business online but it has convinced me that there is more for the taking in the offline-to-online world. There is a lof of money to make in offline marketing!

Robert will give you this free report AND free software in exchange for your email address. I strongly suggest you to use your primary email address as his content is awesome, it’s well worth it! Please click the image below:

Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing

Download NOW!

Robert really is a sharp marketer (I’m really glad I had the chance to meet him) and I strongly recommend you to download his report. Today you get a free report, and tomorrow you will get a free domain finding software to help you get started. I don’t know for how long the report is going to be available online so make sure you download it now! Don’t miss out on this report! A real eye opener!

Download Offline vs. Affiliate Free Report NOW!
