Earlier this year I went to San Diego, CA for a conference where I met Robert Stanley, founder of Internet Street Fighter. Yesterday Robert released a great, free report called Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing. This report was a real eye opener for me. I do all my business online but it has convinced me that there is more for the taking in the offline-to-online world. There is a lof of money to make in offline marketing!
Robert will give you this free report AND free software in exchange for your email address. I strongly suggest you to use your primary email address as his content is awesome, it’s well worth it! Please click the image below:
Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing

Download NOW!
Robert really is a sharp marketer (I’m really glad I had the chance to meet him) and I strongly recommend you to download his report. Today you get a free report, and tomorrow you will get a free domain finding software to help you get started. I don’t know for how long the report is going to be available online so make sure you download it now! Don’t miss out on this report! A real eye opener!
Hi Colin, Hi tried to submit my email to get Offline vs. Affiliate Marketing free report but after putting in my email and entering it, all I get is a blank page with these words:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c07/h02/mnt/102966/domains/istreetfighter.com/html/blog/wp-content/advanced-cache.php:6) in /nfs/c07/h02/mnt/102966/domains/istreetfighter.com/html/blog/wp-content/plugins/wp-super-cache/wp-cache-phase2.php on line 84
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c07/h02/mnt/102966/domains/istreetfighter.com/html/blog/wp-content/advanced-cache.php:6) in /nfs/c07/h02/mnt/102966/domains/istreetfighter.com/html/blog/wp-includes/pluggable.php on line 890
HELP?!? What is wrong? Also, I tried clicking on the “Contact Us” at the bottom but get nowhere there either. What should I do?
Hi Sindee,
The program is now closed and the course is finished, BUT – I will point the owner to this thread and he will reply :_)
@sindee, the program is closed down since we reached capacity. Shoot me an email [email protected] and see if I can dig up the report for you.