Video: Cry For Help – Start with No Money

I get emails like this quite often, decided to use this one as an example and put together a little video that went a bit longer then planned, but does cover a fair bit of info I think…


xx xx here and it sounds great there is only one huge problem! I have no clue what I am doing with this. I thought it would have been so much easier if I would have known what I had to do before I got started. I am really sorry about this but I need a lot of help if I am going to make this work as bad as I need it to. I have been out of work since last Feb, and I have gone through all my credit cards, savings and checking I have nothing left. I was not even able to give my children the Christmas they so well deserved. I have never felt like such a bad mom in my whole life. I hope and pray I never have to go through that again!! So, can you help me? Let me know please as soon asap. God Bless and I will be waiting to hee back from you.I do understand if you do not have the time to help me so do not feel bsd if I can not find the other side of my rainbow!!

Warm Regards, xx xx

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Colin Klinkert
Are Template sites a good way to start?

Just got a question from a reader, he wanted to know:

I got the opportunity to work with a customizable template website for affiliates.

It’s the kind of template already build (automated-turnkey) to display Clickbank products (yes I am affiliate) in a turkey portal + adsense integrated (must add the id), some place for others affiliates programs (like amazon or ebay products displayed) and with all contents automatically renewed by feeder.

Do you think, or believe, that it could be a great way to earn a little more (maybe better that trying nothing for sure, but does it worth the guess)

thank you

In answer to that question I would say that turnkey sites can work when you are just starting out and are much better then doing nothing, as you say.

However – Make sure that you are able to grow your personal optin list with it. If it is hosted on someone elses domain, the way you drive traffic to the site, article marketing, blog posting etc. will get their site doing well and not reward you 100% for your efforts.

I personally feel it is much better to visit Godaddy, get a .com for yourself, when you get to the checkout page you will see a place to enter a coupon code, if you enter: ZINE3 it will give you a $2 discount or somthing like that making the cost $7.15 per year, the next step is hosting. You can search for free hosts that allow you to use your own domain, I have not found any good ones though, so I would join Hostgator. This will cost $10 a month if you take the ‘baby’ package, but when it asks for a coupon on checkout, enter in the code: jury and then it will give you the first month for only 1 cent. Then you can setup a free wordpress blog and be in control of your own content, your own optin form and also when you work to promote the site, you are getting benefit of increasing the value of your own site!

Another option is then buying a template site that has the clickbank updating content, your optin form etc. and putting it on your domain.

But… going back to the first question, do I think it is worth it to promote a template site like or something like that, then yes and no. It is better then nothing and better then promoting something with poor content on a free host. It is not the ideal long term solution though.

In the end, it all comes down to marketing though, you can have the nicest site, with the best content in the world, but if you don’t do any marketing, no one will even know it exists.

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Colin Klinkert