Do You Use Information That You Purchase?

So my new purchase arrived today. I buy most of the ‘big ticket’ courses that are made, I go through some of them, but many sit and collect dust. Some courses I did go through and found great success with are 7FigureCode and also ButterflyMarketingManuscript (Can get it free now, click to find out more) so it is time for

Colin Klinkert
Great Blog Content is Scannable

What Do I Mean By Scannable Content? Did you know that only 16% of people on the internet actually read each word, and….the typical reader comprehends about 60% of it? So, this in a nutshell, should tell you why it’s vital to your success to make your blog content scannable. You are writing a blog to effectively communicate with your

Colin Klinkert
Case Study: John Chow Effect?

I got a review from John Chow Dot Com For ViralNetworks and its now been a couple of weeks so decided I would put up a very quick (less then 2 min) video about it… Does John still have ‘The Chow Effect?’ So what do you think? Should I get a review from John for my BRAND NEW site that

Colin Klinkert
Social Networking – Get On It!

What Can Social Networking Do For You? Build Your Brand and Develop Some Great Business Contacts We live in a solution based world, trying to solve our own problems, or the problems of others. These are the goals of most businesses, and the best way to accomplish this goal is through a network. This is where Social Networking comes into

Colin Klinkert
Are Template sites a good way to start?

Just got a question from a reader, he wanted to know: I got the opportunity to work with a customizable template website for affiliates. It’s the kind of template already build (automated-turnkey) to display Clickbank products (yes I am affiliate) in a turkey portal + adsense integrated (must add the id), some place for others affiliates programs (like amazon or

Colin Klinkert
Pay Per Click, Adwords & Conversion Tracking

What You Need to Know About Pay Per Click Advertising… What is Pay Per Click? Pay Per Click is just as it sounds. You create an Ad in which you pay each time someone clicks on that ad. Even though it may sound very simple, there are a few variables when it comes to creating a sale from that click.

Colin Klinkert
What is a Blog?

What is a Blog? This is a very basic introduction into ‘what is a blog’, the purpose of this post is to explain what is a blog to people reading blogs for the first time, or hear people talking about blogs, know what a blog is. Soon I will create a post on ‘how to make a blog’, but don’t

Colin Klinkert