Content is King: Fun and Engaging Content for Acquiring Backlinks

Great Content Marketing is Actionable

In your efforts to draw more attention and increase traffic to your website and its offerings, it’s becoming more and more critical that you have a great content marketing strategy. And because SEO is becoming more about what people do, you need to do everything possible to make the content you market offsite (anywhere other than your own website) be worthy of sharing. Social signals will be refined and fine tuned to the point that they will be increasingly integrated into Google’s algorithm and will be a significant factor in how your website ranks for different queries.

5 Links Are Better Than 500

Whereas in the past website owners were more inclined toward a “shotgun approach” to get their content spread around the web by publishing anywhere and everywhere, you are now much more well-served taking the time to research high quality websites that would be willing to publish your unique content (nothing spun, either). Even if you spent one month obtaining only 5 links back to your site, you will be much further ahead of the game than if you received hundreds of lesser quality links that produced no buzz or social interaction.

The Authority Rub

After the Google Penguin Update, Google is on the prowl for well-curated links, and these take time and real elbow grease to obtain. Internet marketing and building backlinks is evolving to become more social, and that means you need to establish relationships and contact real people, instead of using freebie websites to publish spun content with a backlink in it that never generates any traffic to it. What you are looking for now is websites to contribute your content to that actually have a decent following. Google can tell whether a blog has readership, to some extent how those readers interact with the blog, what kind of buzz or social signals the site creates, and to what extent that blog has authority. Just like in the real world, when you start a new profession you will want to network and “borrow” from the wisdom of colleagues in your field until your wisdom bucket is full by itself, in content marketing you are looking to make associations with blogs that have trust built up and do it enough times until that trust “rubs off” onto you.

A Socially Engaging Content Marketing Example

Coming up with something unique and different to market in terms of high quality content gives you an edge. If you can create something that is interactive and socially shareable, you’ve got something that can take on a life of its own. Sharing will take place naturally, and though you should still expect to do outreach and contact blog and website owners to offer that content on their sites, some of the heavy lifting might already be done, since you put a lot of thought and effort of making something that is engaging. One example of such type of content marketing is a widget.

This web widget gives the user an opportunity to do something that is quite popular currently on the web – social photo sharing. And believe it or not, people posting pictures on the internet of their bed head is a social activity that indeed does happen. Fun little ideas like this integrate our desire to share photos as well as encourage a unique and different approach to it. Remember the “Obey Your Thirst” ad campaign by Sprite? A groovy little call to action can also help to stimulate interest in your socially shareable content.


The art of brainstorming is one that not enough people engage in. It’s simple enough, but too many people write themselves off as not being creative, or they just don’t know how to do it. All it takes to come up with great content marketing ideas is to get your key people in a room together around a whiteboard and have them rattle off ideas, preparing them beforehand with the rule that nothing is stupid, nothing is going to be criticized during the brainstorming session, and everything will be written down. The critiquing can come later, but during the brainstorming everything is basically fair game to allow for the free flow of ideas. Often one of the ideas that is written down may not be the one chosen, but some kind of offshoot of it or simple twist that makes it a real winner. Brainstorming sessions often become the brainchild of some great content marketing ideas, and blog owners love new ideas, fresh approaches, and a unique style to share with their readership. With higher quality content to market you’ll find a much greater acceptance rate, your reputation will build and expand, and you won’t have to pull teeth to get backlinks anymore.

Nedra Batey is a blogger who enjoys quality over quantity and exploring unique ways and styles of content marketing.

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Digi Traffic Accelerator Review: Easily Build Hundreds of Social Backlinks to Your Pages

There are plenty of different ways to build backlinks to your pages. This time I want to tell you about social bookmarking links, and how they can help you get better search engine rankings. Building social backlinks to your pages can be very time consuming if you don’t have the right tools at hand, but if you do, then things get a lot easier…

Digi Traffic Accelerator (DTA) is a social backlink building desktop software that builds hundreds of social backlinks to your pages. The idea here is to increase the number of backlinks to your pages, so they rank better in the search engines, and you get more business. You can build backlinks to your main pages, or use it for deep linking.

Digi Traffic Accelerator Review

Digi Traffic Accelerator

Digi Traffic Accelerator: How Does it Work?

Digi Traffic Accelerator is very easy to use. If you’re familiar with my site SocialMonkee, you’re already familiar with Digi Traffic Accelerator. After launching the application (which is a desktop application), the first step is to enter a few details so the software can start creating social bookmarking accounts for you.

Colin Klinkert
SocialMonkee – Your Instant Backlink Builder

Less than a week ago I launched SocialMonkee, an instant link building solution allowing you to easily build 25 uniques backlinks to your pages every day, with the push of a button! SocialMonkee is free to join, and very easy to use, which partly explains why it’s growing very fast! Let me tell you how it all started…

I came up with the idea about two months ago… I wanted a way to get do-follow inbound links to my new pages and sites fast, so that they get indexed in the search engines quickly, but building such a system turned out to be more time-consuming and expensive than I originally thought. I stuck with the idea I had in mind and came up with this solution, which currently has 100 sites in the backend, all on different C-Class IP addresses, and a lot on different A-Class and B-Class IP addresses. Now let’s talk numbers…

To set this up would cost…

105 domains = $1,199 per year
Hosting with 100 C-Class IPs = $5,400 per year
System development = $3,000 one-time
Sites development = $10,000 one-time
Firefox Plugin development = $700 one-time
Maintenance fees = N/A
Copywriting expenses = N/A
Marketing expenses = N/A
TOTAL = $20,299

Still, you can join free… That’s why I need your support to spread the word about SocialMonkee, and get your friends to join, but that’s not the topic of this post! Let’s talk about the system itself: SocialMonkee will help you dramatically increase the number of backlinks to your pages, for better search engine indexing, rankings and traffic! This will give your pages extra online exposure.

If you realise the potential SocialMonkee has, you will quickly want to upgrade your account from Free to Premium. As a Free member, you can submit 1 URL to 25 sites, once every day, free. That’s a total of 175 backlinks every week, 750 every month. As a Premium Member, you can submit 1 URL to 100 sites, three times a day! That’s a total of 2,100 backlinks every week, 9,000 every month to your sites and pages! So if you have a lot of pages (on a blog or site) then Premium is a great option.

Premium members also get link reports and also RSS feeds of each project. This is vital to allow your links to get indexed. There is also an advanced video showing Premium members how to take their RSS feed and ping it to get your links indexed in the search engines.

The best part is… If you want to upgrade, you have two options. The first option consists of paying the ONE-TIME fee of $47. Pretty cheap, isn’t it? This is a one-time payment, meaning as you use the service, it works out cheaper and cheaper. Well, there’s an even cheaper option… The second option consists of referring 12 persons to SocialMonkee to get a FREE Premium Upgrade! Your account will automatically be upgraded to Premium when you reach 12 referrals.

Firefox Plugin

An important aspect of SocialMonkee is that you can submit a URL to the system from Firefox. With this plugin, all you need to do is to click a few times and your URL is submitted to 25 or 100 sites, depending on your membership level. Submitting a URL via the members area takes less than 2 minutes, but with this plugin it takes less than 1 minute!

If you kept reading until here and haven’t joined SocialMonkee yet, I’m wondering what you’re waiting for! Join SocialMonkee now, and build up to 300 backlinks to your pages TODAY! If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, feel free to post a comment below, or on our brand new Facebook page! Please ‘Like’ it to help spread the word and support the maintenance of SocialMonkee! Thanks in advance!

Your Instant Backlink Builder

Colin Klinkert
Unique Article Wizard Review

Are you searching for a Unique Article Wizard review? Then you’re on the right page! I purchased this article submitter a little while ago and spent a lot of time before I purchased trying to find a Unique Article Wizard Review as I am a member of other sites like this as well and wanted to see if it was worth adding to my SEO steps…

The links contained in this Unique Article Wizard review are my affiliate links (so I will earn money if you sign up via one of these links), but you should know that I don’t promote products that I don’t personally use & love.

What is an article Submitter?

An article submitter is a software program that allows you to publish articles all over the web very easily. Article submitters often allow you to write and rewrite articles so they are unique and can be published to their network of websites (often including blogs and article directories) more effectively.

We all know how important article marketing is when it comes to link building. There are quite a few different alternatives if you want to get into this technique. You could do everything yourself: write and rewrite the articles and submit them to article directories yourself. While this might give you some good results, this is rather time-consuming and definitely not a long-term strategy. As an internet marketer or home business owner, you should be looking to streamlining everything you can. This is why article submitters have become so popular in our industry.

When I say article submitter in this ‘unique article wizard review’ it does not only relate to article directories. In this case it relates to a blog network, where your links are taken and posted on blogs that are part of the ‘unique article wizard’ network.

Unique Article Wizard Review

My team and I use quite a few article submitters but the one I really want to tell you about today is Unique Article Wizard. Unique Article Wizard, like most other article submitters, can generate hundreds if not thousands of one-way backlinks to your websites. The more backlinks your website has, the better it will rank in search engines. Period. These one way backlinks should also come from unique ‘c class’ ips, which is a story for another post, but what it basically means is that your backlinks need to come from different sites hosted on different IP addresses. Now here is the Unique Article Wizard review:

Unique Article Wizard is different from other article submitters for various reasons. Before going into details, you should know that it is one of the most used submitter sites online. What’s really important with article submitters is to know how they allow you to rewrite articles (is it easy or not? Does it work well enough to make your content unique), and where they submit them (what is their network of websites?).

With Unique Article Wizard, rewriting articles is fairly easily. If you don’t understand why this is important, then you should know that backlinks coming from unique articles have more value than backlinks coming from republished articles.The reason for this is that Google does not index duplicate content, so links coming from sites that are in Google’s index and get pinged or visited by the Google Bot often, are of higher value to you then ones on sites that Google does not even know or care to know about. (Even though there is proof that Google does find these links still, sometimes with a bit of help from you – Backlinking your backlinks, once again, a post for another day).

Unique Article Wizard created several article wizards to help you submit articles the way you prefer. If you have your article and the two rewritten versions prepared, it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to submit an article. To rewrite articles on the fly, with seriously 1 click of a button and can turn 1 article into 30 uniques for all your SEO steps, you simple must check out TheBestSpinner… It is a Vital part of my marketing, we use it on every site SEO campaign that we run and it seriously is, like it’s name suggests, TheBestSpinner! Back to…

Unique Article Wizard Review

The real advantage Unique Article Wizard has over its competitors is that the articles are reviewed by humans, and not robots, so if something’s wrong with your article (if one of the versions is too similar to the original version for example), they will let you know so you don’t get any bad surprise. Search engines don’t really like duplicate content. They will not penalize websites having duplicate content on them but they will simply not rank the pages well.

How To Submit an Article

Submitting an article to Unique Article Wizard consists of 5 quick and easy steps:

Step 1, Part 1: Create a Project Name
Step 1, Part 2: Enter the Author’s Name
Step 2, Part 1: Write Your Article
Step 2, Part 2: Create Three Titles
Step 2, Part 3 – Write Multiple Paragraphs
Step 3 – Building Resource Boxes
Step 4, Part 1 – Choose Categories and Keywords
Step 4, Part 2 – Choose Categories
Step 5 – Confirm Submission date
Step 5 – Number of Submissions

Unique Article Wizard Review
Writing Multiple Paragraphs

Unique Article Wizard Review
Reviewing Your Articles

Unique Article Wizard Review
Building Your Resource Boxes

Does this look a little complicated to you? Don’t worry, the Unique Article Wizard team got you covered with 4 different wizards. The first time you use Unique Article Wizard you should use the “Easy Wizard”. Once you get familiar with the process, I would recommend you use the “Easy One Step Wizard”. If you’re confused about anything feel free to leave a comment under this Unique Article Wizard review.

Unique Article Wizard Review

Still not convinced? Here is a shortlist of reasons why you should join Unique Article Wizard today:

1. Article marketing is a very effective link building technique.
2. Unique Article Wizard focuses on ease of use and efficiency.
3. They have a great network of websites to submit the articles to.
4. You can scale it to giant proportions of you use it enough.
5. If you discontinue your membership, the links will remain in the published articles.
6. If you sign up via my affiliate you get a GREAT BONUS!!! (valued at $170)

That’s right, if you sign up to Unique Article Wizard via my affiliate link, I will offer you a one year membership to the new social bookmarking website that I’m about to launch (in a couple of weeks or so). With this website, you will be able to easily create tons of one-way social bookmarking links to your websites.

I will charge $17 per month for a monthly membership on this website, and $170 for a yearly membership. This is an outrageous bonus so only the first 20 people to sign up via my link will get this bonus. To claim the bonus, simply submit a ticket to the Bonus section on my help desk. Please attach your proof of purchase to the ticket.

Unique Article Wizard
Click here to join Unique Article Wizard

Thanks for reading this Unique Article Wizard review until the end! If you join, be sure to claim my bonus above, it will be worth it! If you are looking for other sites like Unique Article Wizard, I would recommend that you check out:

* My Article Network
* SEO Link Vine
* Free Traffic System

With My Article Network and SEO Link Vine, you can fully rewrite articles, unlike with Unique Article Wizard. This is a real advantage that these two article networks have over Unique Article Wizard as it is very important for your content to be unique. Backlinks coming from duplicate content have far less value than backlinks coming from unique content. With Unique Article Wizard, only paragraphs are spun, not sentences (hence less combinations possible).

My team and I use these three article submitters as well as Unique Article Wizard and I wouldn’t recommend them to you if we weren’t getting great results from them. Want to see just one example of a page I promoted with them? Click on the screenshot below to make it larger:

Affiliate WordPress Theme

Affiliate WordPress Theme Post on this Blog

If you think these article submitters are too expensive for you, remember that this is an investment and not an expense, because the articles you submit will generate backlinks to your websites and even if you discontinue your memberships, the links will remain in the published articles.

Any questions or feedback about this Unique Article Wizard Review? Please post them below and I will reply:

Colin Klinkert