On Page SEO Chat – Looking at Factors of On Page SEO

On Page SEO Factors

This video covers the ‘on page seo‘ factors that you need to get right if you want to make it easier to rank on higher searched terms. This video lasts about 30 minutes and is mainly about on page seo with some conv’s about other SEO factors covered too. The two main factors in SEO is:

* On Page SEO (Covered in this video)

* Off Page SEO (Backlinks etc.)

There are a few new tools out to make it super easy to sort out your ‘on page seo‘ if you use wordpress. I wrote a review on the best software I have currently found, you can read all about it here.

Great News – For everyone wanting to solve their on page seo issues I have been able to make sure that you can afford Dan Tan’s plugin… he told me he never discounts it, but I have my ways πŸ˜‰ and so I was able to secure you $20 off his on page seo plugin:


On Page SEO

>>> Click Here to Download SEOPressor Now! <<<

If you already use SEOpressor for your on page SEO, please leave your feedback below for other users.While this video might be basic for some, it is vital to still make sure you are getting as much of it right.

Thanks and enjoy the video πŸ™‚

Colin Klinkert
How to Build a List of 9,147+ in 21 Days

How to Build a List – In this video I show how YOU can build a list 9,147+ subscribers in only 21 days! The product I created was quite expensive to get built, but yours doesn’t have to be! The technique I show in the video works for almost any sort of product or service. I didn’t use any of my business lists to promote it, which means you DON’T need to own a list to get such results! Here is, step by step, what you have to do:

How to Build a List

  • Find something people need
  • Get it made (visit oDesk and hire someone if needed)
  • Give your members good value FREE
  • Allow them to get the upgrade… in two ways!
  • 1st way is a straight forward payment, the 2nd way is to refer members to you
  • Provide your members with promotional tools
  • Build your list using an autoresponder (Aweber or Imnica Mail)
  • Launch your product using list builders (ViralUrl, ViralHosts, – see more below)

I also give a few examples so make sure you watch the video on how to build a list in full! If you’re looking for someone to create your product, visit oDesk. There are plenty of web developers, software developers, web designers and writers looking for work. I hired a few people on this site and was very satisfied with their work. Make sure they are qualified for the job before hiring them though.

In the video, I highly recommend that you get either Aweber or Imnica Mail, which is the autoresponder I use for my product. I prefer Imnica Mail because they provide great analytics and their plans are a lot cheaper than their competitors. When I’m talking about the traffic you have access to, I’m talking about list builders and mailers that anyone can sign up to.

List Builders are cheap ways to mail people who have agreed to get your emails. It is a way to reach people on a ‘shared’ list and get them to join your list. Of course it costs money to join, be prepared to spend up front, but then you can continue to mail your free optin product (with a paid upgrade & a viral aspect of getting referrals to your site) over and over again.

These programs will help you launch, it will send signups to your program, it will give you the initial people who will then go with their affiliate link and post on forums, blogs and social media sites to get the upgrade free… which should make you very happy because it then drives a lot of new signups to your site… Many of those new signups will then promote as well, turning your offer VIRAL! πŸ™‚

ViralUrl (When sign up take Gold, then Elite on the offers right after sign up for cheapest price!)
ViralHosts (When sign up take Gold, then Elite on the offers right after sign up for cheapest price!)
– ListJoe

Those 4 will get your stuff off to a good start if you upgrade with them. Then to kick on you can join a targeted community where you can get the word out quickly:

As previously mentioned, I didn’t promote the product to any of my business lists, which means that YOU can do it too. The best way to drive traffic to the product page is to sign up to these list builders and get a TrafficZipper account, which will allow you to use all the mailers all at once and even save an email or 2 (up to 5 at a time) that it will send out at random for you, automatically:


Another benefit of joining is that it also allows you to compare statistics, and see which mailers perform the best. I made a short video to show you how it works, and why ViralUrl and ViralHosts are great choices when it comes to list builders and mailers. You can watch it here:

Video – Optin’s are what counts… See the stats here

Thanks for watching the video! Now you know how to build a list, you should get started as soon as possible! I would love to know your thoughts so please leave a comment and if you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, or both! I look forward to hearing from you!

Colin Klinkert
Get 2 Cents Clicks on Google AdWords!

Cheap PPC – In this video I show you how YOU can get 2 cents clicks on Google AdWords to drive dirt cheap, targeted traffic to your own sites or affiliate sites. Google AdWords is popular because it works… but it can become very expensive if the keywords you target are highly competitive. Let me show you a way to make the most of your Google AdWords campaigns without hurting your pocket!

If you know how Google AdWords works, you’re probably wondering how I manage to get 2 cents clicks… That’s cheap PPC traffic…The technique I found is 100% legal; there’s nothing wrong about it (except that too few know about it). It’s all about the way you do it, and the settings. Please take a few minutes to watch the video, give this technique a try, and you will see it works!

I really hope you enjoy this video on Cheap PPC and how to get 2 Cents Clicks on Google AdWords. If you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, make sure you leave a comment. If you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter using the big buttons below! πŸ™‚ I look forward to hearing from you! Feel free to download the transcript of this video by the way…

Click Here to Download The Transcript
of This Video

Important Update: Since January 2011, Google doesn’t accept affiliate links in their AdWords program anymore. I suggest that you presell the product you’re advertising, by linking to a squeeze page or blog post that has your affiliate link in it… This is a bit more work for you but actually more effective than hard selling the product!

How To Get Your Backlinks Indexed

Quality backlinks – This is the 3rd video of a 3-part series about backlinks. In the 1st video, I explained what are backlinks and how they work using a fun analogy. In the 2nd video, I continued the analogy and talked a little more about building backlinks and how you can effectively use them to rank better in the search engines. Quality backlinks are not what they are by nature. YOU have the power to turn almost any backlinks into quality backlinks, starting by getting them indexed by the search engines.

I really hope you enjoy this video about quality backlinks and how to get them indexed by the search engines. This is the last video of the series on backlinks, so if you have any questions, suggestions or feedback, make sure you leave a comment. If you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, or both using the big buttons below! πŸ™‚ I look forward to hearing from you!

Resources mentioned in this article:

Blue Backlinks: http://www.bluebacklinks.com/
Google Site Submission: http://www.google.com/addurl/
Trackback Feed: https://www.colinklinkert.com/trackbackfeed (Example)
Indexing Tool: http://vur.me/s/indexingtool/

*** Update ***

To watch Episode #1 on what backlinks are: What Are Backlinks

To watch Episode #2 on how you can effectively build backlinks: Building Backlinks

How You Can Effectively Build Backlinks

Building backlinks – This is the 2nd video of a 3-part series about backlinks. In the 1st video, I explained what are backlinks and how they work using a fun analogy. In the 2nd video, I continue the analogy and talk a little more about backlinks and how you can effectively use them to rank better in the search engines. Building backlinks to your site is very important for several reasons, but you must first understand why and how you can effectively build backlinks.

I really hope you enjoy this video about building backlinks. In the next and final video of this 3-part series on backlinks I will go into even more depth about backlinks, and especially how to get your backlinks indexed so search engines know about them. I would love to know your thoughts so please leave a comment and if you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, or both using the big buttons below! πŸ™‚ I look forward to hearing from you!

Resources mentioned in this article:

Google PageRank Check: http://www.prchecker.info/
Google Toolbar: http://www.google.com/toolbar/
Alexa Traffic: http://www.alexa.com/
Alexa Toolbar: http://www.alexa.com/toolbar/

Article Directories:
Ezine Articles: http://ezinearticles.com/
Articles Base: http://www.articlesbase.com/

Social Bookmarking:
ViralBookmarking: http://www.viralbookmarking.com/ (Social Bookmarking Exchange Service)

*** Update ***

To watch Episode #1 on what backlinks are: What Are Backlinks

To watch Episode #3 on how to get your backlinks indexed: Quality Backlinks

A Fun Analogy… What Are Backlinks?

What are backlinks – This is the 1st video of a 3-part series about backlinks. In this 1st video, I explain what are backlinks and how they work using a fun analogy. Backlinks can be very helpful, not only to drive direct traffic to your site but also to influence search engines in the ranking of your pages. So if you want to know what are backlinks and how they work, make sure you watch the video. I find the analogy I use quite interesting and I’m sure you will like it as well…

This 1st video is pretty basic but the next videos will go into more depth about backlinks and will show you how you can effectively use them to rank better in the search engines. I would love to know your thoughts so please leave a comment and if you like the video, feel free to share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter, or both! I look forward to hearing from you!

*** Update ***

To watch Episode #2 on how you can effectively build backlinks: Building Backlinks

To watch Episode #3 on how to get your backlinks indexed: Quality Backlinks

Who Am I And What Can I Do For You?

This video is about Internet Entrepreneur Colin Klinkert: who I am and what I do. Make sure you watch it if you want to learn a little more about myself and enjoy a great view on Monaco and its surroundings.

Please leave your feedback below, I would love to hear from you. Feel free to introduce yourself to me so I can welcome you to my community. If you do comment, I will send you an email with a free product: 10 Action Steps to a Successful Online Business.
