Charity Contest Shout-Out

Quick post today to alert you to a new service who is using the leverage of JohnChow’s blog to run a contest that is good for all parties:

John Chow is holding a new contest to give away $6,000 in CASH! $5,000 would go to the charity of your choice and $1,000 will go to you to spend however you want.

If I win, I would give the $5K to World Vision. The reason I choose World Vision is because I am familiar with them and very proud of the work they do. I personally have sponsored a boy called Amkela since I first got my credit card 5 years ago. He was 7 at the time and was 12 in August.

Over 50% of the worlds population are starving and live in shocking conditions, they need all the help they can get. So If I was to win I would put the $1,000 paid out to the winner with the $5,000 and donate it to World Vision as well.

The contest is being sponsored by is a tiny url service that makes links smaller than tinyurl itself. The creator of the site is also adding new cool features all the time. Sign up for an account and check it out!

Please also consider sponsoring a child as well, simply click here. It is very affordable and rewarding too.

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Online Newsletters to Bring in Business – Part 2
Winner of Commenting Contest

3 responses to “Charity Contest Shout-Out”

  1. Taris J says:

    I’m also in John’s contest!! Good luck to you – because in the end it doesn’t matter who win’s, because some charity will recieve a good chunk of change for a good cause!!! 🙂

  2. Kathy Hamilton says:

    Hey Colin,
    You are so amazing and so special. Your blogs are just so cool I love them. Thanks for helping so many around the World.

  3. Hi Kathy,

    Thank you for your kind words and welcome to my blog. I love what you are doing as a member of VN as well, thanks a bunch for your presence and support!

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