WorldWide Telescope – From Inner Space to Outer Space

A lot of people don’t realise it, but since May 2008, it has been possible to travel through the galaxy on your computer. That’s when Microsoft Research released the public beta of WorldWide Telescope, a powerful piece of downloadable desktop software that allows people to zoom through the galazy, visiting planets, constellations, even nearby galaxies. The WorldWide Telescope (WWT) is

Colin Klinkert
Thanks… I am no longer an ‘Internet Marketer’

No I’m not quitting 🙂 Having said that, I am sick of people new to the industry feeling they need to spam their affiliate links all over the web. 99.99% of the time with no result other then to make yourself look like a tosser! Comments are moderated these days so it’s a waste of time making spam posts, they

Colin Klinkert
Home Business The Easy Way – Niche Market Blog

Did you know that You can make money just by keeping a blog? Niche Market Blogging For Money Have you thought about starting your own Internet business at home? If you have, then you are not alone, there are millions who are now making money online by creating niche market blogs. Don’t worry, this does not mean you can’t do

Colin Klinkert
Great Blog Content is Scannable

What Do I Mean By Scannable Content? Did you know that only 16% of people on the internet actually read each word, and….the typical reader comprehends about 60% of it? So, this in a nutshell, should tell you why it’s vital to your success to make your blog content scannable. You are writing a blog to effectively communicate with your

Colin Klinkert