Article Marketing: What Not To Do

Article Marketing GuideOne of the most popular ways to approach internet marketing is through article marketing. This isn’t surprising, since it’s cheap to free, reasonably effective and gives you a fair few benefits. You can get traffic directly from the search engines, get increased rankings for your webpages and also build credibility with your target audience.

Naturally, a lot of people manage to screw it up and get little to nothing from their articles except, possibly, backlinks. But if all you’re getting from your article marketing efforts is backlinks, you’re wasting either your time or your money, probably both… That’s why I decided to make a short article marketing guide for people who are new to or struggling with article marketing.

Article Marketing Guide

With that in mind, here’s what NOT to do:

Assume You Can Write – A fairly stunning amount of people are convinced that they can write when they simply can’t, or at least not effectively. This is not necessarily a huge problem, so long as you know about it. As Clint Eastwood once said “A man has to know his limitations.”

Assume You Can’t Write – The flipside is that a lot of people don’t ever get into article writing because they think they can’t write. Article writing isn’t that hard, so before you write it off or hire someone else, you might want to consider finding how well you can do on your own.

Look For The Cheapest Help – If you can’t write or simply don’t have the time, outsourcing is a good idea. Trying to find people to write for you for less than minimum wage is a bad idea. Writing is a marketable skill, and people who work for less than they could make at McDonalds are, generally speaking, not likely to be great.

Fail To Do Your Keyword Research – Frankly, what you write about is pretty close to being as important as how you write, and it might actually be sometimes more important. There’s not a lot of benefit about writing articles on something no one wants to read about. Make sure you take the time to do your keyword research.

Further Readings:

Article Marketing Tips & Resources (Highly Recommended)
Effective Article Marketing (Video)

For great article marketing tips and resources make sure you read these two blog posts. In the first blog post you will also find a list of recommended articles directories and networks. In the second blog post, I talk about the resource box. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment!

Unique Article Wizard Review

Are you searching for a Unique Article Wizard review? Then you’re on the right page! I purchased this article submitter a little while ago and spent a lot of time before I purchased trying to find a Unique Article Wizard Review as I am a member of other sites like this as well and wanted to see if it was worth adding to my SEO steps…

The links contained in this Unique Article Wizard review are my affiliate links (so I will earn money if you sign up via one of these links), but you should know that I don’t promote products that I don’t personally use & love.

What is an article Submitter?

An article submitter is a software program that allows you to publish articles all over the web very easily. Article submitters often allow you to write and rewrite articles so they are unique and can be published to their network of websites (often including blogs and article directories) more effectively.

We all know how important article marketing is when it comes to link building. There are quite a few different alternatives if you want to get into this technique. You could do everything yourself: write and rewrite the articles and submit them to article directories yourself. While this might give you some good results, this is rather time-consuming and definitely not a long-term strategy. As an internet marketer or home business owner, you should be looking to streamlining everything you can. This is why article submitters have become so popular in our industry.

When I say article submitter in this ‘unique article wizard review’ it does not only relate to article directories. In this case it relates to a blog network, where your links are taken and posted on blogs that are part of the ‘unique article wizard’ network.

Unique Article Wizard Review

My team and I use quite a few article submitters but the one I really want to tell you about today is Unique Article Wizard. Unique Article Wizard, like most other article submitters, can generate hundreds if not thousands of one-way backlinks to your websites. The more backlinks your website has, the better it will rank in search engines. Period. These one way backlinks should also come from unique ‘c class’ ips, which is a story for another post, but what it basically means is that your backlinks need to come from different sites hosted on different IP addresses. Now here is the Unique Article Wizard review:

Unique Article Wizard is different from other article submitters for various reasons. Before going into details, you should know that it is one of the most used submitter sites online. What’s really important with article submitters is to know how they allow you to rewrite articles (is it easy or not? Does it work well enough to make your content unique), and where they submit them (what is their network of websites?).

With Unique Article Wizard, rewriting articles is fairly easily. If you don’t understand why this is important, then you should know that backlinks coming from unique articles have more value than backlinks coming from republished articles.The reason for this is that Google does not index duplicate content, so links coming from sites that are in Google’s index and get pinged or visited by the Google Bot often, are of higher value to you then ones on sites that Google does not even know or care to know about. (Even though there is proof that Google does find these links still, sometimes with a bit of help from you – Backlinking your backlinks, once again, a post for another day).

Unique Article Wizard created several article wizards to help you submit articles the way you prefer. If you have your article and the two rewritten versions prepared, it shouldn’t take you more than a few minutes to submit an article. To rewrite articles on the fly, with seriously 1 click of a button and can turn 1 article into 30 uniques for all your SEO steps, you simple must check out TheBestSpinner… It is a Vital part of my marketing, we use it on every site SEO campaign that we run and it seriously is, like it’s name suggests, TheBestSpinner! Back to…

Unique Article Wizard Review

The real advantage Unique Article Wizard has over its competitors is that the articles are reviewed by humans, and not robots, so if something’s wrong with your article (if one of the versions is too similar to the original version for example), they will let you know so you don’t get any bad surprise. Search engines don’t really like duplicate content. They will not penalize websites having duplicate content on them but they will simply not rank the pages well.

How To Submit an Article

Submitting an article to Unique Article Wizard consists of 5 quick and easy steps:

Step 1, Part 1: Create a Project Name
Step 1, Part 2: Enter the Author’s Name
Step 2, Part 1: Write Your Article
Step 2, Part 2: Create Three Titles
Step 2, Part 3 – Write Multiple Paragraphs
Step 3 – Building Resource Boxes
Step 4, Part 1 – Choose Categories and Keywords
Step 4, Part 2 – Choose Categories
Step 5 – Confirm Submission date
Step 5 – Number of Submissions

Unique Article Wizard Review
Writing Multiple Paragraphs

Unique Article Wizard Review
Reviewing Your Articles

Unique Article Wizard Review
Building Your Resource Boxes

Does this look a little complicated to you? Don’t worry, the Unique Article Wizard team got you covered with 4 different wizards. The first time you use Unique Article Wizard you should use the “Easy Wizard”. Once you get familiar with the process, I would recommend you use the “Easy One Step Wizard”. If you’re confused about anything feel free to leave a comment under this Unique Article Wizard review.

Unique Article Wizard Review

Still not convinced? Here is a shortlist of reasons why you should join Unique Article Wizard today:

1. Article marketing is a very effective link building technique.
2. Unique Article Wizard focuses on ease of use and efficiency.
3. They have a great network of websites to submit the articles to.
4. You can scale it to giant proportions of you use it enough.
5. If you discontinue your membership, the links will remain in the published articles.
6. If you sign up via my affiliate you get a GREAT BONUS!!! (valued at $170)

That’s right, if you sign up to Unique Article Wizard via my affiliate link, I will offer you a one year membership to the new social bookmarking website that I’m about to launch (in a couple of weeks or so). With this website, you will be able to easily create tons of one-way social bookmarking links to your websites.

I will charge $17 per month for a monthly membership on this website, and $170 for a yearly membership. This is an outrageous bonus so only the first 20 people to sign up via my link will get this bonus. To claim the bonus, simply submit a ticket to the Bonus section on my help desk. Please attach your proof of purchase to the ticket.

Unique Article Wizard
Click here to join Unique Article Wizard

Thanks for reading this Unique Article Wizard review until the end! If you join, be sure to claim my bonus above, it will be worth it! If you are looking for other sites like Unique Article Wizard, I would recommend that you check out:

* My Article Network
* SEO Link Vine
* Free Traffic System

With My Article Network and SEO Link Vine, you can fully rewrite articles, unlike with Unique Article Wizard. This is a real advantage that these two article networks have over Unique Article Wizard as it is very important for your content to be unique. Backlinks coming from duplicate content have far less value than backlinks coming from unique content. With Unique Article Wizard, only paragraphs are spun, not sentences (hence less combinations possible).

My team and I use these three article submitters as well as Unique Article Wizard and I wouldn’t recommend them to you if we weren’t getting great results from them. Want to see just one example of a page I promoted with them? Click on the screenshot below to make it larger:

Affiliate WordPress Theme

Affiliate WordPress Theme Post on this Blog

If you think these article submitters are too expensive for you, remember that this is an investment and not an expense, because the articles you submit will generate backlinks to your websites and even if you discontinue your memberships, the links will remain in the published articles.

Any questions or feedback about this Unique Article Wizard Review? Please post them below and I will reply:

Colin Klinkert
Effective Article Marketing

A few days ago I uploaded a video on effective article marketing to my YouTube Channel. In this video, I show how to make the most of your articles and product reviews. I take the example of a ViralUrl review published on EzineArticles (which is great for product reviews as articles generally rank easily in Google) and show what’s good and what’s not so good, and give a few tips for effective article marketing.

In this particular example, I mainly talk about the signature, in which the author should add a good call-to-action and possibly a bonus. As you will see, the article has already been visited quite a few times but the author doesn’t seem to be making the most of its good Google rankings. Every month hundreds of dollars in commissions are potentially being lost by not using the basics of effective article marketing. If you’re into article marketing and product reviews, make sure you watch this video:

This is just a quick tip for effective article marketing. The resource box is only a piece of the article marketing puzzle. There are of course many other aspects you should take into account for effective article marketing. If there is an article marketing topic you would like me to cover, feel free to leave a comment and I will do my best to reply. I would love to hear from you! If you want to share you own effective article marketing tips, feel free to do so below!

Hot Topic #5 – Article Marketing Tips and Resources

Article Marketing can be a very hit and miss form of promotion, so here are some article marketing tips to ensure you get the results you are chasing. It is an affordable yet very effective marketing technique when properly put into practice. Submitting articles linking to your pages all over the web has several advantages, but also a few downsides…

Article marketing is a great way to promote your business and generate free traffic to your site. This is a major advantage you can have over your competitors as not every online business (effectively) uses article marketing. Article sites have millions of visitors every day and some of them are even among the most visited sites on the web!

These sites give you the chance to build high quality inbound links to your online presence. Why are they high quality links? Simply because the topic on the page is directly related to the topic of your online presence and this means a lot to search engines. Make sure the links are dofollow though, as nofollow links have far less value for search engines.

However, writing articles may be time-consuming if you aren’t good at copywriting. With practice, things should get easier for you though. To overcome the few downsides, make sure you continue reading as you will find article marketing tips and resources on how to make the most of your article marketing strategy.

For example, you should only submit articles that are related to the topic of your business. If you sell an MLM product, you will be writing and publishing articles about MLM… The topic must be related (at least to some extent) to the topic of your online presence.

Choose a relevant, keyword-rich anchor text for your links as this can help a lot for search engine rankings. Try to place your links early in the body content (when possible) so they are more likely to be found by search engines. Don’t stuff your articles with outbound links though or they could get penalized (to be overly promotional). Just a few links should be more than enough…

Here is a non-exhaustive list of article and user-generated content sites ranked by traffic:

Highly recommended sites:

Ezine Articles

Ezine Articles

Articles Base

Articles Base





If you don’t really know how to write articles, simply follow these few basics: (1) a great, keyword-rich subject line to catch the reader’s attention but also for search engines, (2) a short, interesting introduction that makes the reader want to continue reading, (3) a body part with useful information on the topic you’re covering and (4) a short, analytical conclusion that ideally makes the reader want to learn more.

As previously mentioned, the links should ideally be placed at the top but this is not always possible as some article sites like Ezine Articles only allow you to place them at the bottom. No big deal though, your links will still count! You may even want to add a title to them when possible so a tooltip shows up when readers hover them. Don’t add more than 2 to 3 links (to different landing pages) per article.

However, make sure you don’t fall into plagiarism… Some sites like Ezine Articles, Squidoo and HubPages are very strict on duplicate content and may even ban you for submitting duplicate articles. Some of them may just flag your articles for being overly promotional. In that case, edit them a little and remove a few links.

If you get inspired from already existing articles, use Copyscape to verify whether or not they will be considered as duplicate content. If they pass the test, they’re good to go! If not, edit them before you publish them. Search engines will not penalize your articles if they are duplicate but will simply not rank them well, as their content is already available elsewhere. Now you know the basics, you can publish articles without moderation!

Article Marketing Programs – Recommendations

If you’re after programs that can help you with article writing, rewriting and submission, you should give My Article Network, SEOLinkVine (highly recommended), Free Traffic System and ezArticleLink a try. Submit your articles to these article networks and they will be spread all over the web automatically building inbound links to your pages. You may even open your own blog for content submission. These programs are very easy to use and can greatly help you build inbound links to your pages and thus rank better in search engines.

Free Traffic System

Article marketing – and internet marketing in general – may require some work, but here are a few beginner tips on how to set up a successful internet marketing business for you.

This blog post is part of a series of hot topics for making money online. Stay tuned for more and feel free to share your own experience on article marketing with us!

If you missed out on the first four hot topics, here they are:
Hot Topic #1: Keyword Research Tips and Tools
Hot Topic #2: Choosing a Web Host: ViralHosts vs HostGator
Hot Topic #3: Autoresponder Marketing Strategy
Hot Topic #4: Choosing a Theme: Squeeze Theme vs Thesis Theme
