Reply2Colin: New Design for Better Usability!

This week I’m proud to release the revamped version of my help desk! I indeed just got it redesigned to make it look nicer and most importantly improve usability. Check it out now: I hope you like it! Thankfully this new design should help you get in touch with my team and myself more easily. It is now a little easier to find more information on my products and select the appropriate category before submitting a ticket.

As a reminder, you may contact my team for ViralHosts general and technical support, ViralNetworks general and technical support and general and technical support. If you have questions about my own blog (to report bugs and errors, to advertise on it, etc.) or want to send me a joint venture offer, feel free to do so! My team or myself will respond to you as soon as possible.

When submitting a ticket, make sure you select the appropriate category so your ticket doesn’t get lost and we can respond to you as quickly as possible. The knowledge base and trouble shooter are pretty empty at the time I write this blog post but will be filled with lots of useful information very soon. Thanks for your patience!

For ViralUrl support and ViralFollowers support, please submit a ticket to my business partner Frank Bauer’s help desk at Thanks for your understanding.

New Design for

Feel free to comment this blog post. I’d love to hear what you think of this new design!

Misleading Subject Lines Are Bad Marketing

In the internet marketing industry, getting people’s attention is vital. Period. Even if you’ve just created the best product ever but can’t get people’s attention, you’re unlikely to succeed. However, getting people’s attention shouldn’t be your only goal. You certainly want to go further than that. You need to get the word about your products or services, build yourself a list of subscribers… and make money. Misleading subject lines are still far too common to get people’s attention and are clearly bad marketing. If you aren’t sure what we’re talking about, here are some examples:

– “Congratulations, You’ve Just Made A Commission!”
– “Your Affiliate Commissions”
– “You Owe Us Money!”
– “Your Credit Card Has Expired”

We strongly recommend to avoid using any type of misleading subject lines in the emails you send (to your own list or somebody else’s list). These subject lines can badly hurt your reputation and can be very damageable for your business. If you start communicating with someone with a lie, there is a very good chance this person won’t trust you for anything. The notion of trust is very important in our industry but too many just forget about it. So yes, you will get people’s attention with misleading subject lines, but what happens next is very unlikely to be favorable to you and your business.

Why would you use these subject lines anyway? Is the product you’re promoting so bad that you can’t find a proper subject line to get people’s attention? A few internet marketing gurus seem to provide email copies with misleading subject lines to their subscribers. Well, let’s be honest here: we believe they should rethink their recommendations… You’re in a better place than anyone else to know what you should and shouldn’t do for your business. You don’t necessarily have to do everything they tell you! How about you think about what they say before just doing it?

Our policy on misleading subject lines

As a reminder, misleading subject lines are strictly prohibited on ViralUrl, ViralNetworks and ViralHosts. If we receive a complaint and have the proof that a member has used a misleading subject line, we send one (and only one) warning to the sender. The next step is a suspension for an undetermined period of time. These misleading subject lines damage both their reputation and our own reputation and this is simply not acceptable.

The path to success won’t begin with a lie. Simply avoid any type of misleading subject line!

9 Reasons to Join ViralHosts

A few days ago we asked some of our most active ViralHosts members why they find the system so valuable. It’s always good to know what actual members think of its strengths and benefits. For those who don’t know what ViralHosts is, we define it as an all-in-one web hosting, traffic generation, list building and mailing system targeted at internet marketers and alike. Here is a compilation of the answers we got:

1 ) ViralHosts is free to join. Even if the real value of the system is in the upgraded memberships, being able to try the system before you purchase is definitely a plus. Even if you miss out on the one-time offer, you can upgrade very easily inside the member area. All memberships are great value.

2 ) ViralHosts provides marketer-friendly, reliable web hosting to anyone who joins. Hosting is a highly important, tangible requirement to anyone’s online success. If you want to be successful on the web, you must have a website. This is non-negotiable! Do you know any internet marketer who hasn’t got a website or a blog?

3 ) The hosting section is based on cPanel, which is one of the most popular hosting panels in the world. The support is great and as an upgraded member you also have access to an auto-installer system for WordPress and lots of other scripts as well as not one but two website builders with more than 900 templates. With ViralHosts, setting up a website or blog is just a matter of minutes!

4 ) By referring other members you not only have the opportunity to make some cash but also build a downline from 5 to 7 levels deep and email it every 5 to 7 days. The money is in the list, they say… Well, here is a great opportunity to build your own list almost on auto-pilot and increase your online income.

5 ) You earn cash when your referrals decide to upgrade. ViralHosts has a high commission structure that allows you to earn recurring commissions and make some extra cash. The system also pays you from 5 to 20 cents per thousand page views on your website or blog and from 5 to 20 cents per thousand from all your referrals.

6 ) If you are an upgraded member, you can email from 3,000 to 6,000 random members every 3 days! That’s 30,000 to 60,000 emails sent per month! Keep in mind that most ViralHosts members are internet marketers and alike so think of all the qualified leads you could have! You can be in profit with only one sale.

7 ) You can generate traffic to your website or blog with the text and banner ads. You simply have to purchase credits and design your ads. There are lots of different ways to generate traffic with ViralHosts… and it’s cheap and super easy! ViralHosts has the potential to become your ultimate traffic generation tool.

8 ) Even if you already have a website or a blog, the web hosting section remains valuable because you can easily get quality backlinks. You know how important inbound links are to search engines. They will help your website or blog rank better in search engines and build a strong, durable online presence.

9 ) The overall value of the system is far worth the price, especially if you get your hands on the one-time offer. For only $197 per year you get quality web hosting, a traffic generation tool, a downline builder and most importantly a system mailer that allows you to send 30,000 emails per month! That’s 53 cents per day, and you can send 360,000 emails in a year (plus all the people in your downline)!

As you can see, and we’re glad to have this feedback from our members, ViralHosts is truly a powerful web service. As an internet marketer, affiliate manager or network marketer, you must be nuts to miss out on this system! If you haven’t joined yet, register now and take full advantages of all the features and benefits.

Can you think of any other strength or benefit?

ViralHosts switches to cPanel!

Did you give ViralHosts a try? For those who have, we hope you are making the most of this new all-in-one web hosting, list builder and mailer system.

You may have experienced a few issues with the hosting section the last few days. Rather than just fixing the glitches, our Server Technician Tycho Luyben changed the hosting panel to a cPanel based system. Genius!

This is great news because cPanel is much more advanced and has many more features than the previous hosting panel, which means better usability, functionality and support. Before we continue with the great news, we have some important housekeeping details for you that come with this improvement…

1. You will still get access to the old system hosting panel for a few more weeks, so you can access emails you still might have received there.

2. Your files, databases, sub-domains and domains have already been transferred, so nothing to worry about in this regard.

3. Your old FTP & email accounts will not be automatically transferred, please simply setup new ones in the new cPanel.

cPanel has so many features, we don’t even know where to start. First, cPanel allows us to provide you with better support, because of the Getting Started Wizard and the instructional videos integrated in almost each section. You will be able to find lots of help pages too.

Other new features include: mailing lists, auto-installers for WordPress and many other scripts, wizards and so much more! Just take a a look at this HUGE dashboard:


cPanel is the most used hosting panel in the world. We’re still wondering how they’ve been able to include so many features in a single system… and that’s all yours with ViralHosts! There are some features that are still switched off, and we’re ready to customize some on demand so it’s even going to get bigger and bigger!

The hosting is now more stable too. The hardware used for this new cPanel server is much more powerful, you will surely appreciate the speed and flexibility. No doubt about that!

Make sure you log in as soon as you can to check it out! ViralHosts has now nothing to envy to its competitors, not even the big ones! We’re so excited about this and we’re sure you can’t wait to tell your friends! It is time to promote ViralHosts big time again!

Did you know upgraded members (any level starting at Silver) can install WordPress in any directory with the simple click of the mouse? No joke! If you want this and many other advanced hosting features please login to your account, and click the last menu link: “Upgrade Section”.

In that section you can see the different upgrades and great features they offer. Click here to login your account! Upgraded members also get access to 340 simple point and click templates to get your site(s) rocking and rolling in no time, so if this sounds good to you, check out the upgrade section.

Please send us your feedback. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via our help desk! Make sure you choose the right category when submitting your ticket so we can answer it in the quickest time possible.

‘Whatever the mind can conceive and believe… it can achieve.’
Napoleon Hill, Think & Grow Rich

To your success,

Colin Klinkert, Frank Bauer & Tycho Luyben
Co-Founders of ViralHosts DOT com

P.S. – Are you a member of our other list builder service that the industry is raving about? If not, please click here to check it out!

Twitter Traffic Experiment 1

Does Twitter Send Traffic?

When I make a blog post, I have a plugin that automatically tweets the fact that I have made a new blog post. The question is, does Twitter send traffic to your blog.


When you make a Tweet and include a link in it, will your followers click, and then take action? Welcome to the Twitter Traffic Experiment. It is very simple…

Win $25 Simply by Posting a Comment In this Post

To go in the running to win $25, simply make a comment in this thread answering this question:

“What will make you want to subscribe to my RSS feed or email list and read” (could be the type of content you want to see, a topic you want to learn etc.)

The way I will get people to see this thread is send 1 tweet now, and 1 again in 12 hours to account for time difference. So two tweets will basically be the source of traffic to this post, the experiment is to see how many people post comments and maybe even retweet my tweet about it…

(Post Your Comments Now & A Winner Will Be Chosen In 24 hours)

Colin Klinkert
Video: Cry For Help – Start with No Money

I get emails like this quite often, decided to use this one as an example and put together a little video that went a bit longer then planned, but does cover a fair bit of info I think…


xx xx here and it sounds great there is only one huge problem! I have no clue what I am doing with this. I thought it would have been so much easier if I would have known what I had to do before I got started. I am really sorry about this but I need a lot of help if I am going to make this work as bad as I need it to. I have been out of work since last Feb, and I have gone through all my credit cards, savings and checking I have nothing left. I was not even able to give my children the Christmas they so well deserved. I have never felt like such a bad mom in my whole life. I hope and pray I never have to go through that again!! So, can you help me? Let me know please as soon asap. God Bless and I will be waiting to hee back from you.I do understand if you do not have the time to help me so do not feel bsd if I can not find the other side of my rainbow!!

Warm Regards, xx xx

Video Response:

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Colin Klinkert
9 Steps To Becoming Rich From The Inside Out

Farrah Gray is a young motivational speaker who wrote a book in 2004 called: Reallionaire

He was 19 back then and has since written a new book: Get Real, Get Rich

‘So What?’ You ask…

So what is that I am busy reading them, (one at a time of course) starting with ‘Reallionaire’ and it makes the basis for todays post. Farrah has a unique writing style and has written the book based on his life from the age of seven and at the end of each chapter, summarizes what he learned and what we too should learn and take on board.

Reallionaire Affirmation

At the end of each summary, there is an affirmation and here is one that I want to share with you today:

opportunities are everywhere. I can rise above any circumstance with hard work, integrity, faith and especially persistence.’

I think the key things to take from that is – No matter where you are at in life right now, you can improve your lifestyle and you should not blame anything or anyone but yourself. Rise above the bad or negatives in your life and make a change… Make it your goal to do it…NOW!

Check Them Out At Amazon:

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Colin Klinkert
The Importance of Customer Service?

I have a few sites in the ‘internet marketing’ niche as you know. One is a year old in 2 weeks, Viralurl and we (Frank and I) do have a VA that works on the support desk but we are still logged in there all the time we are online and answer tickets very fast.

I mention that because it is not a small site, and we are both very busy, but we have taken a conscious decision that one of the things that will differ us from other sites is our customer service. Well now I am in the process of launching ViralNetworks! and am coming across the same situation. I also have a personal VA and she too will man the ViralNetworks! helpdesk once we launch, but I will also be about to handle all the questions she can’t in a very timely manor.

I get many positive feedbacks as a result of this and I am certain it leads people to feel more comfortable doing business with me and spreading the word of my site (The ever important Viral aspect).

Here is one that just came in then and inspired this post:

Thank you for your quick response. I was easily able to set up the
email add and send it. I have been in sales and sales management for many
years and have always insisted that getting back to customers be a number
one priority.
I am hoping that using your service will be the start of much sucess
in my online efforts. There is much to learn , but if the response level
stays this high, I’m sure it won’t be long before the campagins are
working on all cylinders.
Once again, I would like to thank you for your quick response. I
can’t wait to start recommending your software at every opportunity. Call
on me any time for a testimonial.
Sincerely yours,
Bruce ********

That’s not to toot my horn, but would Bruce, (in this instance, there are MANY others like this) say that he is very happy and can’t wait to recommend my service to everyone if I had taken 3 or more days to get back to him and address is concern… my guess is not.

Two Part Question For You:

* How Much Importance Do You Place On Customer Service In Your Business? &
* At What Point Does Your Business Get Simply Too Big To Maintain The Personal Touch?
Colin Klinkert