Domain Name Research

Domain name research is of paramount importance when it comes to setting up an online presence, whether it’s a site, blog or squeeze page. That’s why I already published a blog post on how to find a domain name. As I previously mentioned, a good domain name can be a great asset for your online business. However, I noticed that too many tend to forget about domain name keyword research.

I strongly recommend you to use the keywords you want your online presence to rank for in your domain name. A keyword-rich domain name can give you a competitive advantage, helping you rank better in search engines and thus generating additional traffic to your pages. When it comes to Search Engine Optimization (SEO), domain names can be of great help, along with other on-page and off-page factors of course.

However, remember to avoid dashes and numbers when possible, and choose a common domain name extension like .com, .net or .org. In my previous blog post on how to find a domain name, I recommend a few domain name suggestion tools. However, there’s a major downside: they don’t mention anything about keyword popularity.

You thus need to combine keyword research (with Google Keyword Tool for example) and domain name availability checking (with 1and1 for example, or even NameCheap for bulk search). Not too sure how to proceed? I created a short video on how to effectively research keywords for a domain name. Check it out…

Sign up and Register Domains Through 1and1

I hope you find it useful! In addition to the two registrars I mention in my previous blog post, I would like to tell you about 1and1, which is a great domain name registrar for internet marketers and home business owners. It’s cheap, reliable and has a pretty cool affiliate program. They have great offers so make sure you check them out!

How to Find a Good Domain Name

Find Good Domain Name

Are you one of those struggling to find a good domain name? If you are, don’t worry too much… you aren’t alone. I already had several of my customers asking me how to find a good domain name for their site, blog or squeeze page. According to them, most good ones are already taken… which is partly true. Finding a good domain name for your site or whatever the type of online presence you’re planning to have isn’t easy. However, don’t just hurry to register a domain name but rather take the time to think about what you really need or want.

Some will say that a domain name isn’t that important… Well, a good domain name can definitely help your site rank better in search engines but most importantly it can grab your visitors’ attention and stay in their mind. A great domain name can even become one of your greatest assets! Don’t be too over excited though. A great domain name can help you rank better in search engines for example but isn’t necessarily a guarantee of success…

How your domain name should be:

– Short
– Memorable
– Easy to spell
– Easy to type
– Descriptive…

Easy to say but difficult to do… By descriptive I mean including keywords (as in even though this domain name is a little too long), because they can help you rank better in search engines. You should avoid dashes and numbers as much as you can. Web users are now overloaded with information, so it MUST be memorable. Unless you target a specific geographic area, choose a common domain name extension such as .com, .net or .org.

Study the competition, ask around you and maybe use domain name suggestion tools like Domains Bots, Domain Tools or Dot-o-Mator. Once you have an idea of what you need or want, check the availability on a domain name registrar like GoDaddy or NameCheap. You will need to perform a search to check if the domain name you want, with the extension you want, is available or not. Feel free to perform as many searches as you want as they will help you find alternatives.

If you really struggle in choosing a domain name for your online presence, it’s still time to do a brainstorming. Most good domain names are already  taken, that’s right… but with some creativity you can find a great one that will perfectly match your needs. Try to think outside the box but always remember the characteristics of a good domain name.

You can purchase your domain name from a large range of websites but I tend to purchase mine from well established companies like GoDaddy and NameCheap. They are large companies that aren’t going out of business anytime soon… which is definitely a plus. Both GoDaddy and NameCheap provide good support. Now if you need web hosting as well, make sure you check out what makes ViralHosts web hosting so good!

ViralURL Has More Advantages Than Originally Thought!

Some of you may have heard of John Marshall lately. John is an Iraq War veteran and fellow internet marketer who decided to take on the challenge to release 60 marketing tips in only 30 days. Make sure you check out his videos. Some of his tips can be really useful, whatever your level is…

How to become a better copywriter with ViralUrl

John raises a very good point in one of his videos. He talks about ViralUrl and explains how the service has helped him become a better copywriter. Not everyone is good at copywriting. If you’re not good at it, there’s no shame in that. You just need to work out a way to improve your skills… and ViralUrl can be part of it! Thanks to ViralUrl, John has started to write better headlines and email copies. There is no need to explain you how important it is for internet marketers to be able to write a good email copy… and an eye-catching headline is must have!

With this technique, John became a better copywriter, and he seems pretty happy about that, because he knows how important it is. Take a look at how John has managed to do that. Watch his video:

ViralHosts can help the same way. No matter if you use ViralUrl or ViralHosts, if you think you’re not good enough at copywriting, make sure you really benefit from this not so obvious advantage. What do you think of John’s tip? Has ViralUrl helped you the same way? There are certainly more not so obvious advantages of using ViralUrl… Please share your own with us!

Affiliate Marketing Without A Website

If you have the ability to write compelling sales copy, but can’t build a website for the life of you, it’s not really a problem, because a website isn’t required to be a successful affiliate marketer.  This is done by utilizing a variety of Web 2.0 sites,  which allows you to build an online presence using the in-place infrastructure of already popular websites.

There are a lot of content websites that are completely dependent upon user submitted content.  Sites like Associated Content and eHow are comprised almost exclusively of articles that are written and submitted by average users.  These sites get a lot of viewers and are usually at the top of many searches, so use that popularity to your advantage.  This isn’t some sort of nefarious scheme, it is an equal trade; the content sites get quality content you produce, and you get free space to promote your product.

Here’s how you can make it work:  write a bunch of articles about the product you are promoting or the about the topic in general.  Make sure that each of these are unique, because if you submit duplicate articles to many different sites, search engines like Google won’t count them and could even penalize them.  And make sure the articles are rich with the keywords related to your product.

These sites will usually allow you to place affiliate links either in the body of the content or in a special resource box on the page.  People searching for those keywords, will come across your articles on these sites (because web 2.0 sites generally achieve very high page ranks) and, if your sales copy is compelling, they will click through your affiliate link and purchase the product.

The amount of success you will have is completely dependent on the quality of your sales copy, but the beauty of this method is that it requires no start-up costs.  You don’t need to register domain names and build websites.  Just write the articles and start making money.

Colin Klinkert
Home Business – Affiliate Marketing

The Intro Video To This Post Can Be Found:

You’ve probably seen the ads and the listings on job sites:  “Make Great Income From Home!  All You Need Is A Computer!”  Is there truth to these ads?  Yes and no.

If these people are paying for an advertisement, then they are expecting to make some sort of profit on the deal, so they may just be trying to sell you something.  Make sure to research these offers before committing to anything.  But, even though they may be trying to sell you something, these ads are truthful:  you can make money on the internet, and all you need is a computer (and a good work ethic).  The easiest way to start is with a home business using affiliate marketing.

What is affiliate marketing?

Essentially, it is selling someone else’s stuff.  A person will produce a product and register it with an online affiliate management site like Clickbank.  Affiliate marketers (you) will register with that site and promote the product online.  When somebody buys the product through you, they click a special link and part of the sale price goes to the person who developed the product, and part of it goes to you.  Depending on the affiliate offer this can be anything from 30% to 90% to the affiliate.

(Often the reason the product owner offers a huge commission is that the main reason they are selling the product is to build a client list for future marketing purposes.)

The beauty of this system is that once you have developed the marketing strategy to sell this product, it is there for as long as you keep the website active, so you can earn passive income for months after beginning a campaign.  Even after you’ve forgotten about it entirely and have already done three or four other projects, your bank account will keep growing.

Affiliate marketing requires you to be able to write good sales copy (or pay somebody else to do it), and drive web traffic to a website that features that sales copy (or pay somebody else to do it).  Depending on the profit margin, you may be able to subcontract some elements, but it is a good idea to learn every facet in the beginning.  This maximizes your profit and gives you a good grounding on all aspects of affiiliate marketing.

If you don’t have your own product to sell (yet!!), then affiiliate marketing is a great way to start making money online.

Good Affiliate Programs:

Good affiliate programs are programs that sell themselves because the service offered is of high quality, the sales pages have been split tested and proven to convert and there is a lot of social proof (testimonials from other happy customers)

My Suggestion:

Viralurl is the program I would suggest, as we have thousands of positive feedbacks and our offers are proven to convert at well over 5% from free to paid & we also often pay you just for getting free signups. I know that it is my program so you will be thinking, “of course you will suggest your stuff” and whilst I don’t claim that statement to be wrong, Viralurl meets all the criteria of a winning affiliate program and our top promoters have earned over $20,000 in affiliate commissions (And these commissions are recurring, either monthly or yearly). If you are not a member of Viralurl yet, it is worth a look 😉

Colin Klinkert