StumbleUpon Part 2 – Getting Your Blog Stumbled

What Else Can You Do To Become a Pro? In a previous blog post, I spoke of taking advantage of the great resource StumbleUpon and the different types of marketing that some of the most popular Social Media Networks are looking for. We discussed that if you are going to Digg, your posts need to appeal to the general masses,

Colin Klinkert
Becoming a Pro-Blogger Part 1: StumbleUpon

What can you do to become a pro-blogger? Well, you need to get a lot of traffic to your blog. And now you thinking….’I already know that, but HOW am I going to do it? I have some trade secrets to let you in on. By using these trade secrets, you too, can become a pro blogger. Today, you are

Colin Klinkert
9 Steps To Becoming Rich From The Inside Out

Farrah Gray is a young motivational speaker who wrote a book in 2004 called: Reallionaire He was 19 back then and has since written a new book: Get Real, Get Rich ‘So What?’ You ask… So what is that I am busy reading them, (one at a time of course) starting with ‘Reallionaire’ and it makes the basis for todays

Colin Klinkert
Using RSS FEEDS to Monetize Your Website

Can I Use RSS FEEDS To Increase Traffic? Traffic is something we all want when it comes to our websites and blogs. There are a variety of ways to do this, but the one method that is rising to the top is through RSS FEEDS. For Starters, what is rss feed? What is RSS Feed? I recently wrote an article

Colin Klinkert
Thanks… I am no longer an ‘Internet Marketer’

No I’m not quitting 🙂 Having said that, I am sick of people new to the industry feeling they need to spam their affiliate links all over the web. 99.99% of the time with no result other then to make yourself look like a tosser! Comments are moderated these days so it’s a waste of time making spam posts, they

Colin Klinkert
Are There Any Disadvantages To Pay Per Click?

Pay Per Click Advertising Does Have Some Disadvantages… As I have written in an earlier post, PPC is considered to be of the best and most affordable forms of advertising on the search engines. You can use Pay Per Click advertising to bring in targeted traffic and generate leads and sales in your particular niche. You will use this type

Colin Klinkert
The Importance of Customer Service?

I have a few sites in the ‘internet marketing’ niche as you know. One is a year old in 2 weeks, Viralurl and we (Frank and I) do have a VA that works on the support desk but we are still logged in there all the time we are online and answer tickets very fast. I mention that because it

Colin Klinkert
Time To Get Back Into Stocks?

I never sold many of my shares during this massive loss as it remains an unrecognized loss and would only be a ‘real’ loss if I did sell. If the market recovers in the coming 18 months or so, I would have made that loss back. But today, after seeing the rally (yes, I bought at the end of the

Colin Klinkert
Myspace Ads – Now Open To The Public

Myspace is the largest social networking site in the USA and along with Facebook, one of the largest in the world. So when they launch a brand new ads module that is now open to the public, it is worth standing up and taking notice. Whilst they have a tonne of traffic and a huge market, they also have the

Colin Klinkert
Home Business The Easy Way – Niche Market Blog

Did you know that You can make money just by keeping a blog? Niche Market Blogging For Money Have you thought about starting your own Internet business at home? If you have, then you are not alone, there are millions who are now making money online by creating niche market blogs. Don’t worry, this does not mean you can’t do

Colin Klinkert